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Aquarium Advice Regular
Oct 2, 2014
Hey guys and girls!
This is a pic of my new 215l (57gal) four foot tank. Just got the plants and am still waiting for delivery of my canister filter next week I hope!! What do you think?? Cheers! :mad:)ImageUploadedByAquarium Advice1415562752.116639.jpg

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Looking good! I'd add a slope in one corner for some depth

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There's a bit of height in the back left behind the rocks, I'm trying to find a plant that will sort of creep and hang over the slate ?

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it looks good I like it. I think maybe a few little rocks may look nice in the font :)
it looks good I like it. I think maybe a few little rocks may look nice in the font :)

That's a really good idea, I could smash up some slate and maybe bury it so it's just proud of the sand? Nice bit of inspiration there bambam :)

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yes I think that will look really nice but that was your idea slate. That will look well cool I think :)
Thanks guys :) plants are growing well and canister is all set up and working like a charm! Planning on diy co2, it's gunna be a jungle in there ;-)

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