Re sealed ten with soil and sand

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Aquarium Advice Activist
May 12, 2013
Anchorage, alaska
I just re did the seals (I know messy silicone lol) and lighting. But this is my first try on soil and re sealing.... Excited!!! Haha
Kinda foggy and just starting cycling but here she is!!

Wow, nice tank!

Is that a combination of sand and flora max?

Thanks goldfish !
It's organic soil and black sand. I thought about flora max but thought it would be to much with the soil.
Haha total experiment !! Lol I have done a bunch of research but its kinda a waiting game to see if I balanced it right.
Very very nice are you adding more plants, what will be your stock?
I want to add flora max to my 29 gallon, but now I think I might combine it with black sand, looks real nice!
I want to add dwarf baby tears or glosso? Not really sure yet. I reworked the light and built my own reflector. I'm just kinda trying this out with the soil and my own lighting. If it works I want to do a heavy carpet of something and maybe a driftwood tree with some fire moss up top and a marimo moss carpet surrounding the tree. But just kind of playing around till I know this light set up will work. :)
And in there now I have a bunch of stuff I took out of my other tanks. A reineckii some moneywort, cabomba furcata and some dwarf hair grass.
That's what I have read so far (baby tears). I have c02 on my other tanks and if this lighting does not work to well I'm probably going to get a little led set up for this one.
From what I have seen about soil planted tanks, c02 is optional ? If this stuff lags in growth ill add DIY c02.
I'm still kinda learning the soil in a aquarium thing so........ We'll seeeee! Lol
I just re did the seals (I know messy silicone lol) and lighting. But this is my first try on soil and re sealing.... Excited!!! Haha
Kinda foggy and just starting cycling but here she is!!

Next time you re seal you can use tape for straight lines.saw it on YouTube
Haha thanks Patrick !! I saw that too but I got lazy and arrogant and thought I could do it without all the extra work! Lol boy was I wrong. Lol lesson learned. Now I have a excuse to buy a leaky tank and try again. Haha if I can sneak it by the wife!!! Lol
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