Rebuild 40 breeder softy/LPS

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jun 22, 2012
Couple additions. Mated pair of clowns:

Duncan waiting to open up. She's pissed right now:

Couple different zoa colonies:

Rock with shrooms:

Also got another nice paly frag. Will snap some pics when everything is open and enjoying some LED lighting. I made sure to match the light levels for the most part from my buddy's LFS, but started a bit lower to acclimate.
Use the very top choice "direct link" on photobucket, and paste it into the "insert image" box (the second from the last icon just above the text box).
Use the very top choice "direct link" on photobucket, and paste it into the "insert image" box (the second from the last icon just above the text box).

I do use direct link and do copy/paste. There's no insert image box. Certain reason you're telling me this? Not at all trying to sound ride Mr X, didn't know if the pics didn't show up or not...??
Flaxon....I really like your aqua scape! I like the multiple mounds and caves scattered. After seeing your return I think I want to set my up like that and not drill for a return. I'm getting a eheim compact 3000 for my current40 build as well. How's the initial thought? First time buying eheim.
Thanks! I use the Eheim compact plus 3000. Very quiet, and also adjustable. Takes 3/4" plumbing as well (if I remember correctly). And yes, don't drill the return if you don't need to, which on a rimmed tank is not needed. I just ran soft plumbing to a dual loc line return. Was very easy to set up. Actually, none of my plumbing is PVC, it's all flexible...

I switched things up a bit, Here's a new scape pic...
I only use my phone app, is there a different way to copy the link?
Ok. I've been choosing the "direct link" on photobucket, this one I did "IMG"... Thanks for brining to my attention.
My new duncan was fully open this morning when I woke up. Can't wait to see it under the lighting tonight...
Some better pics, color not so hot, but I'll never figure out how to get snappy colors with my iphone...

Heading to pick up some more coral today. I have my eye on a light blue trumpet colony, a frogspawn, and an acan. I get pretty solid discounts so could be a few more zoa/paly frags as well.

Decided to hook up my media reactor this afternoon as well. I intend on running Phosgard in a media bag in the reactor... Any recommendations on how much phosgard I should begin with?
Some more corals added today. Gold wall hammer (about 5" long), acan frag, and a plug of Xenia...

Ahh...xenia....a friend to some.....A NIGHTMARE TO OTHERS! :D
It looks cool, but it can be a bit invasive.
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