Red tailed black shark

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Feb 5, 2015
Hi I'm looking for some advice. I recently added my first fish to my juwel Rio 125 aquarium after leaving it to cycle for 2 weeks.
I added 1 red tailed black shark and 2 kuhli loaches. I didn't want to add to much to soon.
The problem is my shark barely moves around the tank. He often just sits there on the gravel.
Any ideas what could be the problem and any ideas on how to make him happier??
Thanks a lot! Paul

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To start, knowing exactly what your parameters are would be best. IMO, your tank is not fully cycled at two weeks and it's quite stressed. Another thought about the stress is tank size. The minimum for those would be 50g (190l). Other thoughts would be how was it acclimated to your tank, and what were the parameters that it came from ?

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I have a red tail shark and it is happy if it can hide and sneak attack unwary fish. It never hurts them just darts at them.

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It hides in a hollow log

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