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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Apr 25, 2003
There aren't any places around here that sell southdown, and the reef grade dry sands that all the pet stores sell are about a buck a pound. What would it be like if I didn't have a DSB, but had a sandbed of like 1 or 2 inches?
Some people like mojo have their DSB in the refugium, and just have something shallow on the bottom.
have home depot order a pallet for u. and sell what you don't need. figure in a small profit, and people will buy. I imagine they would drive a couple of hundred miles, just to get it.
I was told today by a guy at my LFS that you have to be careful on using southdown because sometimes there is an over abundance of silica in the sand. He said that alge loves to attatch its self to it and thrives off of it.

Does this make sense or is there any truth to it?
GrndHog said:
I was told today by a guy at my LFS that you have to be careful on using southdown because sometimes there is an over abundance of silica in the sand. He said that alge loves to attatch its self to it and thrives off of it.
Does this make sense or is there any truth to it?
FYI, silica does not have any affect on algae growth. Only silicates fuel algae growth as diatoms and dinoflagelates use it in the growth of cell walls. Silica cannot be transformed into silicates in a marine tank.

The only small concern with silica sand is the sharp edges it has which can cut into the delicate animals that live in the sand. Sugar or "oolitic" sand does not have the same problem.

I was told today by a guy at my LFS that you have to be careful on using southdown because sometimes there is an over abundance of silica in the sand. He said that alge loves to attatch its self to it and thrives off of it.

What Steve said. And, FWIW, Southdown is not silica sand, - it's composition is 100% aragonite. Southdown ("true" Southdown - 100% aragonite playsand from the carribean) is oolitic aragonite sand and contains no silicates.

Tell the LFS dude to go pound sand. :) :)
I was told today by a guy at my LFS that you have to be careful on using southdown because sometimes there is an over abundance of silica in the sand
I just bought some yesterday, and it specifically says "no silica"
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