Scarlet temple help

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Jul 4, 2021
Not sure what I’m doing wrong here or maybe it’s just a dud plant…

I picked up a couple scarlet temple bunches and planted them in my 75g when I set it up a couple months back. At the same time I planted some newly purchased moneywort as well as a bunch of red ludwigia cuttings from my other tank.

So far the moneywort and red ludwigia are doing great (had to cut the ludwigia back a couple times already) but the scarlet temple has done absolutely nothing except for grow a few roots on the stems.

Flourite substrate
Flourish dosed twice a week and iron

Lighting is the largest aquasky (48-60”) that has been set to 16 hours/day with the light intensity reduced mid day for 8 hours. I didn’t want too much light while the tank was new.

For the last week I have started co2 (have a tank anyways so why not!) when I started doing the co2 I have it on a timer with the tanks original led lights (which aren’t anything spectacular) and it runs 12hr/day and the drop checker is a light green Color at a little more than a bubble a second. I had also cranked up the aqua sky to full power all day to see what kind of algae mess I can make lol

So far the ludwigia and moneywort have grown like crazy over the last week, but still nothing happening with the scarlet temple…?

There’s no pearling at all from any of the plants and I know the aquasky is not a real powerful light, is the scarlet needing more light and possibly why nothing else is pearling although they’re growing well?
Since starting co2 the ludwigia has also started pointing it’s leaves upwards. So I’m thinking the plants can utilize more light at this point, maybe the scarlet just needs more light?

Not the best pic here as I’ve cut and replanted just a few days ago, but once the ludwigia get settled again basically all of the top leaves ‘cup’ upwards to the light


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Not sure what I’m doing wrong here or maybe it’s just a dud plant…

I picked up a couple scarlet temple bunches and planted them in my 75g when I set it up a couple months back. At the same time I planted some newly purchased moneywort as well as a bunch of red ludwigia cuttings from my other tank.

So far the moneywort and red ludwigia are doing great (had to cut the ludwigia back a couple times already) but the scarlet temple has done absolutely nothing except for grow a few roots on the stems.

Flourite substrate
Flourish dosed twice a week and iron

Lighting is the largest aquasky (48-60”) that has been set to 16 hours/day with the light intensity reduced mid day for 8 hours. I didn’t want too much light while the tank was new.

For the last week I have started co2 (have a tank anyways so why not!) when I started doing the co2 I have it on a timer with the tanks original led lights (which aren’t anything spectacular) and it runs 12hr/day and the drop checker is a light green Color at a little more than a bubble a second. I had also cranked up the aqua sky to full power all day to see what kind of algae mess I can make lol

So far the ludwigia and moneywort have grown like crazy over the last week, but still nothing happening with the scarlet temple…?

There’s no pearling at all from any of the plants and I know the aquasky is not a real powerful light, is the scarlet needing more light and possibly why nothing else is pearling although they’re growing well?

If you don’t have CO2 and PERFECT parameters such as PH, Alternanthera will simply just kinda survive. Eventually, the bottoms of the stems will start to become thin and pointy and melt away up to where the air roots are growing in. Your greener leaves will probably get green spots and rot, clip those and leave just the pink growth. If you’re lucky, from there you can replant, fertilize and hope for some good growth.

I grow all my AR emersed in a brackish paludarium. I have only gotten AR to succeed in brackish water. All my other tanks, I put it in, it looks good for a week, it melts to nothing.

In brackish, with no co2, I actually see day by day growth it happens so fast. And emersed, it becomes a beautiful dark magenta.
Ok, could just be one of those things that isn’t going to work for whatever reason

I should be right in the parameters for it, but that’s Never a guarantee for anything

I had to make a trip to the city yesterday for work so I took the liberty of going to check out the lfs. They had some wisteria, so i figured why not…. For a lack of a quarantine tank at the moment, it just went straight to the 75 (with a few other additions) and immediately regretted that decision haha. The tiger barbs went straight to the wisteria and started having a feast! I thought they were going to clean up the whole works of it but they let up after a little while. Hopefully they catch on like the rest of the plants, then maybe I’ll abandon the scarlet for now if it doesn’t turn around.
Well 3 or so months later the plant has still really done nothing. There’s just the slightest bit of new growth up top and a few roots grown but really nothing happening for the length of time it’s been there. But it hasn’t completely died so I guess that’s a bonus lol

Everything else in the tank is doing good and growing at an alarming rate so I don’t really know what the scarlets issue is. Next time I’m in the city I’ll grab another plant and see if it’s a little more lively.
I always have bad luck with this plant. I got one to stalk to actually grow for about 4 months with new sprouts and everything but then suddenly something happen and it melted into nothing.

I find it interesting it grows well in brackish tank - does that mean it needs extremely hard water or does it actually utlize the salt some how ? I had always presumed that salt was very very bad for plants.
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