Sick guppies

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jun 11, 2013
In the last few days some of my guppies have started getting discolored white patches on one side or the other, usually right around the dorsal fin. This female is the worst, and I've already lost my biggest female.

It's not on all of them, just a few. I believe most of the fry are ok as well, it's harder to tell with them. My cories are fine too, and the fancy goldfish, but my moor is acting sickly too. However the moor has been a little off since I got it and has no patch.

I just did a water change two days ago, which was when I first noticed this, and it's seems like it's worse since then. I added Pima fix and mela fix right after the water change. She looks like her guts will be out in another day or two :(

Any idea what this is and how to stop it?


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They all have red spots on the side, right above the anal fin. Could that be something as well?
Sorry I didn't specify, this is just the one female, I was trying to give as much of a close up as possible. These are two of the males and another female.


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Well all the ones with spots look worse, one is pineconing now, and I can't find the female from the first picture or my black moor. Every time I get a tank almost finished it seems like something happens :(
Just found the moor. He's not going to make it.
Moor is dead, two females are dead, other goldfish showing signs of missing scales.
Not that anyone seems to give a crap but I've lost two more guppies. Good news is the goldfish looks better, and while I may lose a few more guppies I believe the worst is over. Now it's just a waiting game for all the weak ones to die, and then let everything chill for a little before trying more fish. Probably going to put another filter on, this canister sucks.
Oh, I am so sorry for your fish, and I know what you mean! My Guppy has a funny white patch on him right now too! I think it might be dropsy. Anyways, I have quarintined him, but if you want my advice about how to replace your dead guppies with new ones with out it being too pricey, go to a store that had 'feeder guppies.' Often they have one or two pretty ones that look like any fancy tailed male Guppy. I got a really pretty yellow male yesterday for 20¢! If I were you I would look up dropsy or columnaris online.
Yeah I checked out the culm, case of irony, I actually had an almost entire tank wipeout from that because of feeder guppies. I'll be okay, it sucks losing them but I have about thirty to forty fry in there atm so I guess I'll just see what their poor mommas threw tail/color wise. It's just awful seeing you tank literally seem to fail over night.
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