Stocking question

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clownin around

Aquarium Advice Activist
Aug 28, 2003
Colorado Springs CO
I currently have: 2 juvenile false percs ( tank raised)
1 lawnmower blenny( fat and happy)
2 astra snails
1 Coral banded shrimp (just molted for the second time)
and 1 sand sifting sea star and 1 horse shoe crab (gotten before i knew better)
I have a 58gal FOWLR tank. Approx 80# of live rock and a inch and half of live sand. My tank has been up for about two and half months everything has been going well thanks to researching and asking questions. Now i have a question. I would like to add a small disk shaped fish that will swim out in the open. The Blenny likes the rocks and swims around them and the clowns have staked out a corner and that is where they like to stay. So could anyone recommend a small disc- like fish that would be happy with my tank and its present members? I was thinking yellow tang but id like something a little smaller ( wish they had minis of these =) ) Some day, like a year from now, when i have lots more experience i hope to have a anemone. Thought that might be of significance to a fish you might suggest.
Ammonia - 0 nitrite - 0 nitrates - .5
Feel free to rip it to sheds ... rather know now then later
I have three little green/blue chromis that swim in a school. They are pretty and they swim all over the place, especially towards the top, they never hide in my rocks. Don't know if that helps, but these fish are neat to watch.
is it 4 ft long? i think it is ok if it has 4 ft of open swimming room. maybe somesone else can help you with that.
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