substitutions for blue rams

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Dec 21, 2002
Greencastle, PA
Are there any other South American cichlids I can get that will work in a 29 gallon tank and won't drastically reduce my cardinal tetra population? I can't find the blue rams anywhere!
Yeah blue rams seem to be hard to find. I think my LFS does stock them, but I may buy them online from one of the larger vendors. Sometimes, I just don't trust my LFS when it comes to certain things...

What about keyhole's? Not sure if they are S. American though...
I want to breed them, and unfortunately discus get too big for my 29 gallon tank.

Keyholes will work, thanks! I'll have to look for them.

I may buy them online from one of the larger vendors
Do you have any experience with any? If not, please let me know if you do decide to go that route. I'd be interested in the outcome. I don't know if the online retailers are for me though, I live in an apartment and am not home during the day.
Do you have any experience with any?

I have ordered quite a few things from but never any fish from them. The sister site they operate is I have heard lots of positive things from people who have ordered fish from them before.

It won't be for a couple more weeks, but I will be ordering some Angels from them. The Angels I can get here are already too big. I can get them online about the size of a silver dollar or so.
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