Dwarf Cichlids

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jan 9, 2003
Columbus Ohio USA
Guy at LFS said dwarf cichlids could be considered a community fish. Anyone have practical experience with dwarf cichlids? Wife saw some regular cichlids and oscars at lunch and wanted some of those... I told her the oscars were in a tank by themselves for a reason... :roll:

We did see a planted display tank that had a nice assortment of dwarf cichlids with other fish in it. I keep angels, neon and red tetras, plecos, and a couple cats in the tank I want to add the dwarf cichlids to. Anyone see a problem adding them?
Which dwarfs did you have in mind? I mean there are a number, I have the plain kribs, then there are the Apistos and a whole host of others?
I really don't know. It will depend on what's available at the LFS. I'll have to see what varieties they have. I did some research on dwarf cichlids yesterday and saw some that I'd love to have. Will look at the names. From what I read, the dwarf variety is just as aggressive as the full size.

In other words, the pretty ones.. :)
Yup they are aggressive, but it depends on the tank mates and how many you have. My dwarfs are very peaceful as they are in a tank with larger fish that would tell them exactly which bus to get off. :wink:
I plan on adding a couple to a 55g with a bunch of tetras and some angels. tetras are sort of small, and I plan on getting a large angel with a few smaller ones. Hopefully it will be aggressive and it will give me an excuse to buy a new tank... :twisted:
Good thinking and reasoning on the new tank.
I kept my kribs with my Angels and there were no problems, but like I said it does depend on the type of dwarf you get. Some just won't take to the new mates and vica-versa.

Good luck and keep us posted. :D
I reviewed the page I found which had a plethera of dwarf cichlids and took notes this time. The list contains those that I would buy with the astericks signifying the ones that I want. Now if only the LFS would cooperate and have these in stock when I go...

Dwarf cics
Apistogramma agassizii "Alenquer"
Apistogramma atahualpa "Llanchama"
Apistogramma bitaeniata
Apistogramma bitaeniata "Manacapuru" *********
Apistogramma borelli "Paraguay" ********
Apistogramma cacatuoides "Double red" *******
Apistogramma sp. aff. juruensis "Rio Nanay" *****
You can get them from Liveaqauria.com. I have heard some rave revues regarding their shipping and handling of fish, as well as how they catch their fish.
as well as how they catch their fish.

?? I would have thought that most of the fish at the lfs were bred? I'd think it would be much cheaper.

Thanks for the tip on the Liveaquaria site. I think I saw it earlier in the week. I'll check them out.
There are some small cichlids that are considered community fish.
German rams and bolivian rams are spoesd to be calm( i just got my bolivians 2day :D :twisted: )
Keyhole cichlids are small and docile, and although there colours aren't as magnificant as rams, i rekon they are just as good. :mrgreen:
I heard that apistogrammas are hard to keep and aggressive?
You can even keep bigger cichlids while there small and docile.
my bro has a 4 cm jack dempsey in his tank with platies danios and corys.
well thats all i can rite coz i gtg to work soon
(i got the soundtrack to Queen of the damned, itz soo good :wink: )
When I was at the lfs the other day I noticed some of the tanks had captured from the wild or something similar on them. First I have seen that written on the tanks. Here I thought the fish at the lfs were bred in captivity.
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