Angelfish aggression.

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Sep 28, 2024
I’m having some issues with my angel fish. I have 4 angelfish. 3 medium sized and 1 smaller one. The aggression first started when I added the biggest one in. And the 3 original angels were bullying it. It died down after about a week. Now it’s ramping back up again. There all pecking at each other. I’ve tried re arranging my aquarium. My water conditions are solid. I need help


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That's all normal. Angelfish live in a schooling, hierarchy society so there will always be a #1, #2 and so on. #1 will peck at #2 to show it's dominance. #2 will peck at #3 to show it's dominance and so on. Once they decide who is in what order, things should calm down again. The caveat to this is when/if they start pairing off for breeding. You will notice one fish, usually the male, will peck at all the other fish except 1, it's chosen mate. Your fish look large enough that this may be a possibility right now. Watch them carefully and if you find a pair, either separate them from the rest of the fish into another tank or place a divider in the tank and place them on one side of it. Breeding pairs of Angels in a community tank are a recipe for disaster because when they spawn, they are capable of killing all the other fish in the tank, if it's not large enough, to protect their eggs or fry.

I'll also add that even tho Angelfish are cichlids, rearranging the tank as you would for other bottom dwelling cichlids is not usually going to work. You need to add more sight blocks so the Angels can have some security out of the line of fire yet be close enough to the school.

Hope this helps. (y)
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I would not get small Discus with your Angels and I would not get Discus until your Angels figure themselves out and you see how much of the tank they take over. You should not get wild caught Discus as they will need different water parameters than your Angels and different care. Wilds usually do not do well with more aggressive fish ( like Angels) unless they are the first fish in the tank.
Discus are not easy fish to take care of. They are not really community tank fish either. They have very strict water requirements and foods. If you are lucky enough to get a mated pair, they are worse than Angels towards their tankmates. Most best successes are discus only tanks IME. Just so ya know. ;) (y)
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