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  • Andy Sager
    Can't really tell with the fins all beaten up. The males get longer fins than the females and are better colored but in your fish's...
  • Andy Sager
    Andy Sager replied to the thread Rio Nanay & short ventrals.
    This is part of the problem IMO about the wild caught fish and today's breeders. WHY are they cross breeding them????? :mad::mad...
  • Jacky12
    Jacky12 reacted to Andy Sager's post in the thread Rio Nanay & short ventrals with Like Like.
    Angels can have geographical color pattern differences so just because they are from Rio Nanay does not mean they are from the same...
  • Jacky12
    Jacky12 reacted to Andy Sager's post in the thread Rio Nanay & short ventrals with Like Like.
    I'm saying that Rio Nanay may come in a number of variations so you are not always going to get ones that look alike just because they...
  • Jacky12
    Jacky12 reacted to Andy Sager's post in the thread Rio Nanay & short ventrals with Like Like.
    I found this video that might help you distinguish your fish.
  • Jacky12
    Jacky12 replied to the thread Rio Nanay & short ventrals.
    I saw that video today! I recently saw his video on Manacapuru. He’s in the UK, but has an accent I can’t recognize. Do you? This...
  • Andy Sager
    Andy Sager replied to the thread Rio Nanay & short ventrals.
    I found this video that might help you distinguish your fish.
  • Andy Sager
    Andy Sager reacted to Jacky12's post in the thread Rio Nanay & short ventrals with Like Like.
    Two were tank bred in the Czech Republic & two wc I will definitely look into this flooding thing. First I’ve heard of it.
  • Jacky12
    Jacky12 replied to the thread Rio Nanay & short ventrals.
    Two were tank bred in the Czech Republic & two wc I will definitely look into this flooding thing. First I’ve heard of it.
  • Andy Sager
    Andy Sager replied to the thread Rio Nanay & short ventrals.
    I thought you said you got some from an importer / breeder? Anyway, no, you probably wouldn't get pics of the breeders from another...
  • Jacky12
    Jacky12 replied to the thread Rio Nanay & short ventrals.
    What fascinating info. I think it would be near impossible to get an importer who has pics of the parents of fish they import. It is...
  • Andy Sager
    Yes, if you keep them with fish not small enough to be eaten. :thumb:
  • Andy Sager
    Andy Sager replied to the thread Rio Nanay & short ventrals.
    I'm saying that Rio Nanay may come in a number of variations so you are not always going to get ones that look alike just because they...
  • B
    bulatz reacted to Andy Sager's post in the thread Low KH and PH with Like Like.
    For what it's worth, the driftwood is not lowering your pH if it's not releasing tannins but it is absorbing your KH which is allowing...
  • Jacky12
    Jacky12 replied to the thread Rio Nanay & short ventrals.
    Thank you. So it’s more likely that fish with short ventrals were nipped by other fish than that this is a genetic condition? When...
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