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  1. K

    moving fish

    No shade over it, it's close to my house and the water fall is at the back of my yard with a stream coming accross the yard to the pond. My house is 2 story and by 2:00 in the afternoon the house shades the pond. It is about 12' x 16' and 4' deep with plant shelves. I have lots of pond lillies...
  2. K

    moving fish

    The fish survived the move and are eating happily this morning. Thank you for the help, it eased my worries about if I was doing the right thing. I would never have thought to move the old filter over, great suggestion. Kathyrae
  3. K

    moving fish

    got you know when I can move the fish? 10 gal tank readings: PH 7.5, amonia 1.2, nitrite 1.6 and nitrate about 90+ new 36 gal tank: PH 7.2, amonia 0, nitrite .3, nitrate 5 do you know what the reading on the new tank should be before I put the fish in? You are so helpful....I...
  4. K

    moving fish

    I'm sorry I'm not understanding what you are saying. What does moving the 10 gal filter to the 36 gal tank do? What filter would I use on the 10gal tank? When can I move the fish? I added a little of the 10 gal water to the 36 gal to get some water in common with where the fish were...
  5. K

    moving fish

    I have a large Koi pond. When I was emptying it last summer, I found some babies. I set up a 10gal tank to raise them as they were the size of my pinky nail. They are bigger now so I bought a 36 gal acquarium and also bought 4 small HighFins to raise bigger for the pond. My water got bad...
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