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  1. Kristy3693

    Starry Blenny

    Sounds like a grumpy one! That is good idea to do the same size/same time. Thank you!
  2. Kristy3693

    Starry Blenny

    That is awesome beengirl. What is the order you added him with your stock? I just think they are so funny and fun to watch. Every time I see one I can't stop smiling. My husband said our blenny will be named "Lenny", which will be really funny if it is a girl.
  3. Kristy3693

    Going ok for now

    I am about to cycle my first. It's a 35 gallon hex. What is seachem? Glad your first little buddies are doing well.
  4. Kristy3693

    Starry Blenny

    The lfs said if I wanted a goby to add him before the blenny. Thanks for the help!
  5. Kristy3693

    Starry Blenny

    Really? No one has any info?
  6. Kristy3693

    Starry Blenny

    Maybe I should add that I am doing a fish less cycle. Don't want you to think I planned on sticking a poor little blenny in there during that time!
  7. Kristy3693

    Starry Blenny

    Hello! I am getting closer to starting my cycling. I am in love with starry blennys. I just can't get enough of those little faces! I have only ever seen tanks with one. Are you able to keep more than one together? And what is their favorite food? That is the one fish that is a must for me!
  8. Kristy3693

    55 gallon slow'n'steady tank- stocking ideas?

    Isn't that macroalgae going to take off and grow wildly in your tank?I thought that is why people put it in a refug. I like it in the tank, I was just under the impression it wouldn't stay that way just in that spot.
  9. Kristy3693

    What are UV Sterilizers for?

    Thank you everyone! This has been really helpful. After reading, I think I can invest my money into more important things. Thanks again!
  10. Kristy3693

    What are UV Sterilizers for?

    I have seen these in my browsing, does anyone know what the pros and cons of these are?
  11. Kristy3693

    Stand for 40g breeder future reef

    ...may hit the bottom. And depends on what you plan to put in. More experienced ppl might have more input. Butt to keep you encourage, I know fish in the sea live more than 30 feet down! :0)
  12. Kristy3693

    Stand for 40g breeder future reef

    Your lights will have the biggest impact concerning depth. Chose good lights! LEDs for sure! Look at the angle of your beem. 90 degrees
  13. Kristy3693

    Stand for 40g breeder future reef

    So what is your question? You won't get replies w/out one. But great job taking on the project!
  14. Kristy3693

    Excited to be addicted

    What kind of coral could I get with the marine land light?
  15. Kristy3693

    Excited to be addicted

    Thank you! I can't wait!
  16. Kristy3693

    Excited to be addicted

    Thank you for your advise. I see reefbreeders are about $140 more. But very nice. My hex is 21 inches across from flat side to flat side. The marine land said 18" to 24" expandable. I want to get all my equipment before I start stocking. I will keep researching. Thanks!
  17. Kristy3693

    Excited to be addicted

    How long have you had it? And what corals do you have?
  18. Kristy3693

    Excited to be addicted

    Hello! I just got a 35 gal hex uniaquarium for Christmas. It has been several years since I had a tank, and never salt. I am so ready to do it right and give some sweet fish a great place to live. I figure with all i have to do it will be at least 4 to 6 months before I buy a live animal...
  19. Kristy3693

    What is an RODI?

    Thanks for the good info! How much does one of those cost?
  20. Kristy3693

    What is an RODI?

    Do you use it to make your salt water. And scale of 1to 10, how important is it to have one?
  21. Kristy3693

    What is an RODI?

    What is an RODI?
  22. Kristy3693

    Just Curious

    That's what I say too. Take a shovel and bucket to the beach! Don't complain about living in Hawaii...that's just mean! Lol!
  23. Kristy3693


    Thanks guys! I am having a hard time picking lights, they confuse me. I want them to be perfect for the coral. Any suggestions?
  24. Kristy3693


    Just got a 35 gal hex uniaquarium! I plan to make it into a reef. Very excited!
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