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  1. B

    Help identifying plants please!

    Yeah I was thinking of keeping to some low growing stuff to give a bit more room seeing as my back cover is all fairly tall. I really like the Riccia Fluitans, I've been looking everywhere for it, but I think I'll have to get it online. The Pygmy Chainsword is nice too. I was also contemplating...
  2. B

    Help identifying plants please!

    Thanks guys! Semi aquatic huh, well that was nice of them to sell them as aquarium plants. They were fully submerged at the store. Oh well I guess I'll take them out, too bad I liked the colour variety! Yeah the one in the front attached to the driftwood is an Anubias and the back corner is a...
  3. B

    Help identifying plants please!

    Hey all, The mr. and I have recently decided to upgrade our crystal red shrimp from a 5gal to a fluval ebi 7.9gal. Before they had a pretty boring tank with just some driftwood and grass so we went and got some new plants to plush up the new tank. The problem is the store didn't have any tags...
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