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    Need advice I have a guppy that is not eating and laying at the bottom of the tank

    I have tested the water parameters ph 8.0 ammonia 0 ppm nitrites ppm nitrate 0 ppm it's a 29 gallon has 4 cory catfish 5 male guppies I recently started adding live plants to the tank I am cycling my quarantine tank this little guy has always kind of been the outcast but he has always come out...
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    New to planted tanks need some help

    I am starting a new planted tank I also have an established 29 gallon I'm going to be adding real plants to I have a maybe stupid question can you glue the java ferns and different plants that can be glued or attached to fake decorations or do they have to be actual rocks and wood also I ordered...
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    Got a bunch of new plants and none of them are labeled

    If I take some pics of these plants could anyone help I'd the few I can't figure out?
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    Help my tank is green

    I cleaned my tank now the water is green and really cloudy I've been doing water changes every other day I don't know what to do at this point
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    Adf how long should I quarantine

    I'm having problems with petsmarts adfs and I am just wondering if I should quarantine them when buying new ones. If so for how long? If they are all together when I buy them would a quarantine even help?
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    Best place to get african dwarf frogs

    I'm having problems with the frogs I'm getting from petsmart what is another place I could get quality adf from
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    Hello new to this site love all the info I've already seen
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    My African dwarf frogs have disappeared

    I have 3 adf's and saw them yesterday all 3 after feeding now they are gone not in hiding spots tank is covered and cycled I'm so sad ? please anything would help
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