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  1. MissInked

    Juvenile Clown Angelfish FS in Vancouver

    I have 6 juvenile clown angelfish from my breeding pair that need new homes, I have 4 that are 3 months old and about 1” and 2 that are 10 weeks old and about .75”. They’re currently being housed in a 20 gallon high tank but they’ll outgrow it soon and I’ve listed them on Craigslist, Kijiji and...
  2. MissInked

    What would you put in a 10 gallon tank?

    I’m giving suggestions not facts and I’ve read several sites about them and not one has said they should be kept in groups of 3 or more so yeah I’m not just giving uninformed suggestions thank you.
  3. MissInked

    What would you put in a 10 gallon tank?

    Random fish Bolivian Rams are pretty fish that come in several colours and don’t need to be kept in groups so maybe 2-3 of those as they only get to about 2-3”.
  4. MissInked

    Rediscovering my love for fish

    I used to have a 55 gallon tank back in 2008 that I really loved, was a real learning experience but it was pretty successful and I had a lot of fun with it. I now have an established 3.5 gallon betta tank for my red veil tail Spike but have decided to move him to a much bigger 33 gallon tank...
  5. MissInked

    What would you put in a 10 gallon tank?

    Do you want bright schooling fish or just a few random species? Need a little more info to go on. .
  6. MissInked

    Possible stocking ideas for 33 gallon Betta friendly tank

    So I have a male vail tail Betta (Spike) who I currently have in a 3.5 gallon tank from PetSmart but I want to move him into a much bigger home so I got a 33 gallon tank that’s almost done cycling (ph is between 6.0 & 6.5) and I’ve been adding Nutrafin Cycle for the past few days and just added...
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