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  1. G

    Goldfish ich or slime disease?

    Thank you! Would you say I should do daily water changes, if so how much? Also, I have this ammonia neutralizer (pictured) can I use that daily? Will that maybe help a tiny bit too. I have no problem with frequent water changes
  2. G

    Tetra safe start vs API quick start

    Hello! I am trying to get my new tank situated and I was told to try these products. Does anyone know if they are the same thing or if they could all be useful to use together? Thank you!
  3. G

    Goldfish ich or slime disease?

    As far as ammonia goes. Do any of you have any experience with this? (Attached a picture) I heard it could be helpful. I’m also not sure how to use it? I think you add some to a pouch and then rinse it? But you have to reactivate it. It seems confusing and I’m not even sure if it would fit in my...
  4. G

    Goldfish ich or slime disease?

    Okay I will do that!
  5. G

    Goldfish ich or slime disease?

    After the medication is done I was going to start the water change daily and testing. But if you think continuing the mediciation is not worth it I can just start the water changes hi Andy! I got my water test results back. They look pretty ok to me but I would love your input and reccomendations!
  6. G

    Goldfish ich or slime disease?

    Thank you. I will for sure be buying no more fish. I will do daily water changes. I ordered the API freshwater test kit. The spot on the fishes tail that could be a tumor almost looks fuzzy and a bit raised. Should I still discontinue mediciation and see what happens? I a most thing adding the...
  7. G

    Goldfish ich or slime disease?

    I should also mentioned that the spot on his tail is white and fuzzy. It looks flat in the pictures but it’s almost raised a little. That’s why I was concerned it could be fungal.
  8. G

    Goldfish ich or slime disease?

    i removed the dead fish and did a 50% water change (I used tap water and filled gallons and treated each gallon with the appropriate amount of water conditioner) and let them sit for a week to let any chlorine evaporate. I added stress coat + to help maybe if the water change stressed them and I...
  9. G

    Goldfish ich or slime disease?

    Well ignore the white fish septicemia comment. As I was typing this 20 mins ago he was still with us and now he is dead. I feel awful I feel like I killed them.
  10. G

    Goldfish ich or slime disease?

    Hello, thank you for responding! I will cancle the order and get those recommended test strips. So I didn’t add originally that one of my comets has a small black point on his tail and I read it could be ammonia burn (this was all before I got the two other bigger goldfish) so I bought ammonia...
  11. G

    Goldfish ich or slime disease?

    Thank you so much for the response. To start, originally I have the three comet fish in a 3 gallon tank (I know that bad) I didn’t know at first! I got them from the fair and it was 9pm and Walmart only had a 3 gallon tank. Once they got that white stuff I took them out and cleaned everything...
  12. G

    Goldfish ich or slime disease?

    I found a few pictures of the first bad bout of my assumed slime disease that I’m thinking killed the one comet (even tho it appeared better)
  13. G

    Goldfish ich or slime disease?

    A few more photos of the white ich or slime disease spot I’m concerned about
  14. G

    Goldfish ich or slime disease?

    Just a few more general pictures of the tank and my lethargic spotted fish
  15. G

    Goldfish ich or slime disease?

    Hello Everyone I have had many problems with my goldfish and I’ve looked everywhere for answers any help would be immensely appreciated! Here is the deal, I got 3 comet goldfish from the fair. One appeared to have ich so I treated as instructed. It went away. A week later all three had thick...
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