Are my bulbs good enough, and how do I know?

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Dec 31, 2013
Kansas, USA
Hello All! I recently started up a 29 gallon planted tank. Substrate is dirt with sand cap. Received a bunch of baby plants in a trade, not sure what they all are, would have to dig that paper out :whistle:. Anyway. The tank is old. Probably around 20 years, and has a generic plastic hood with a fluorescent tube bulb and yellowed plastic over it. When lit up it has a purplish/pink color to the bulb, but the light in the tank seems normal. It's 24 inches long, kind of fat (1.5 or 2 inch diameter?) The tank also gets a bit of sunlight through the window.
How do I tell what type/intensity of light this lightbulb produces? I'm pretty sure the light bulb is as old as the tank. Also, will the yellowed plastic effect the efficiency? I'm really excited about doing a planted tank, but I also have a budget the size of a Porcine circovirus and experience to match. :ermm: If this lighting is not good enough, would anyone recommend a cheap lighting/hood alternative? I do have fish that tend to jump so I would need some type of cover. I would love as much advice as you guys can give me! Thanks!
I would play it safe and buy new bulbs. They're not that much honestly. Go online and see for yourself. Also, unless you want an excessive amount of algae in your tank, don't put in direct sunlight.
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