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Aquarium Advice Newbie
May 14, 2011
plymouth devon
Hi, im new to this site,
i have got a tropical tank and a marine tank (new)
the problem i have is my cat fish has laid eggs all over the community tank, i know i have a male and female so i thinkt he eggs are fertilised, shall i move the eggs to a seperate tank or put them in a breeding net or just leave them, i really would like to have some baby cat fish... help please:fish2:
What other stock do you have in the tank ?
It's a toss-up which to move, but you could almost do with a 10g breeder/QT tank (or what ever else you already have) to give the egg's a chance. Also, do something to your filter so it doesn't start sucking eggs up. If you can, turn down the flow rate perhaps, or fine net over intake. Good luck, catfish babies sounds great.

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