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Aquarium Advice Freak
Feb 1, 2008
im facing a tough challenge in regards to my lighting. my tank setup for the top measures at 41 inches and i know t5 fixtures dont have 41 inches lighting. any advice?
How do you plan on mounting your lighting? In a canopy, buying a complete fixture with mounting legs? That will really depend on the advice given out.
i would like to get a complete set with legs but im not sure if they make legs that would be long enough to stand on each end. if i go with 48 in it would be too long and excess light will show off to the side
That does create an issue. Most prepared fixtures come in either 36" or 48" models. One option would be to get a 36" fixture and suspend it from the ceiling.
i found the solution to my problem.. i ended up getting a glo t5 ho 36" lighting hanging from the ceiling.
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