longnose hawkfish perching on heater

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Aquarium Advice Freak
May 29, 2003
I just got a longnose hawk yesterday, put him in the QT. I built up a tall pile of rocks in the tank for him to perch on. But, he seems to like perching on the heater.

I'm worried about the heater turning on while he's perching on it. Could it harm the fish, or am I just being paranoid? :?
Mine perches on everything, the heater, the power head, rocks, the nori clip, you name it. Dont worry about the heater, mine will sit between the heater and the glass on the suction cup and never blink, even when the heater is on.
Not a pro here, but my damsel loves being right by the heater. As a matter of fact he is there right now as I am typing this, oh wait nvm, he left to go explore. I don't think you should worry about it, he probably won't wait until he get's charbroiled before he moves.

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