Low kh

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Apr 20, 2022
Near Reno, NV, USA
I am planning to start a cherry shrimp colony in a 5.5 gallon tank.
Ph: 8.2
Gh: 6
Kh: 0-1

Is it possible to have a cherry shrimp colony with that low of a kh? Should I get some crushed coral or just give up on the shrimp and get a beta or something. I would really like shrimp but if the water would be harmful to them I wouldn’t want that either…
The KH should be fine for shrimp as long as the pH doesn't drop too much between water changes. If it does drop, you can add some shells, limestone or dead coral rubble to the tank to help buffer the pH and stop it dropping.

The pH might be a bit high for Bettas, who prefer the pH closer to 7.0 or below. They will be ok in a pH up to 7.6 or possibly 7.8 but above 8.0 is a bit much for them.
I am planning to start a cherry shrimp colony in a 5.5 gallon tank.
Ph: 8.2
Gh: 6
Kh: 0-1

Is it possible to have a cherry shrimp colony with that low of a kh? Should I get some crushed coral or just give up on the shrimp and get a beta or something. I would really like shrimp but if the water would be harmful to them I wouldn’t want that either…

Best thing would be to buy them locally from someone who raises them in the same parameters tap water/ treated of course. That way the babies are used to it..

You can always use RO or RO/DI water and remineralize to the shrimps ideal water parameters.
I usually have 0 to less than 1 KH and use Kent's Marine d/kH Superbuffer. Easy to use and just calcium. You might also add in a bit of magnesium aka Epsom Salt with nothing like fragrance or anything. You can also use it from liquid form bottled. Often found with SW additives.
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