new fish?..

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Mar 31, 2012
Im thinking about adding new fish... what would be some fish i could add suggestions?...

I currently have a 125g w 2 ocellaris clown, a firefish, damsel, and a yellow tang...

Any sugestions on what to add?..

Im thinking about some chromis, a six line wrass, or some sort of goby?...
Mmmmm nice fish... never even thought or new about it... just looked it up... and sounds like it would b a nice addition.. cleaner plus a good looking fish...
Elchakas said:
Im thinking about adding new fish... what would be some fish i could add suggestions?...

I currently have a 125g w 2 ocellaris clown, a firefish, damsel, and a yellow tang...

Any sugestions on what to add?..

Im thinking about some chromis, a six line wrass, or some sort of goby?...

What about a marine betta? Gboy has one. It's beautiful.
Yeah i think im leaning towards a goby or chromis... most likely goby... i dont think my lfs carrys the goldhead though...=((
Is the sharknose goby different from the neon goby or is it a species of neon goby.
Elchakas said:
Yeah i think im leaning towards a goby or chromis... most likely goby... i dont think my lfs carrys the goldhead though...=((

That's too bad. The gold headed sleepers are beautiful. I saw a baby one at petco and fell in love. A school of chromis would probably look really pretty. Best of luck picking your next fish!
Bearchumjs said:
In regards to the gold headed sleeper goby, one day someone is going to get one and it will be radical.

Hahaha!! Thats hilarious.

Bearchumjs said:
What about a marine betta? Gboy has one. It's beautiful.

That would be cool too! Might hide in such a large tank..but they sure are pretty!
Im thinking about kuat adding a school of 3 or 5 chromis and a goby... or is that too much?...

And also does anyone know whats the difference between a goby and a blenny?..
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