T5HO for reef tank

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jul 25, 2007
Southern California
Does anybody know of a single bulb T5HO retrofit? I'm looking to put this behind my 4x110watts of VHO attached under my canopy (75gallon). Since all 4-of my VHO lamps are on one ballast I can't use that to similate dusk/dawn so I'm thinking about getting 1-T5HO actinic that I can run 1-hour before and 1-hour after the main lights. I'm limited in space under my canopy so Im trying to find something not too wide. Maybe 5" or less.
I'm thinking T5HO so I can get a little more power(maybe 20-30watts more and try a couple easy SPS up high on my LR. I found something called "SlimPaq" which would fit perfect, but as cheap as they are they must be a different type of T5 lighting. Thanks.
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