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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jul 24, 2005
Wenatchee, WA
Well, cichlids can be fun to watch, digging out dens, moving things around, destroying tanks, lol. But what other fish are there that do that?

Well, I've just been watching my CAE since I got home from work. He was trying to dig down in the gravel next to the front of the glass. I thought at first he was just trying to forage for food. But no, that was not his intentions. He was getting under a large piece of grave, and was pushing it. Once he had it at the top of the little mound he made, he flicked it about 3 inches. LOL. Was hillarious. He's still pushing it, has got it about half way across the tank now. What in the world is he doing?
He's just redecorating his home. :) What woudl REALLY make him happy is to drop in some wall paper and ceramic tile. He'll really go to town. LOL
Mine dug a pit under some driftwood, it lays there every night.. too bad he's going back to the LFS today, 5"'s of terrorizing fish (he chases all the other fish)

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