Autumnsky's Conversations in water keeping

The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Good luck with the home project. When I had a tank in the garage I covered the top with a heavy towel and it really helped to keep the tank warm.
LOL...Ghost shrimp whisperer, that's funny!

I took a couple pics of the baby shrimp. There may be one big one berried, I swear she was almost 2 inches long! Maybe 1.75".

Most of the pics were bad and really bad. The older phone camera delays a bit before actually clicking the pic in lower light so some of the pics the shrimp had already scampered away!!! Pics of nothing! I will try to load a couple.

The Ghost little ones were were mostly around a half inch, and the other smaller ones were just over a 1/4 inch. Seemingly 2 batches in time or 2 moms.

Apparently they like the over feeding I have been doing. - Just like the snails do.
Keeping busy, the latest this was the importing of a Thai Betta see info here

For a long while now, I have been interested in making a paludarium. Zoo Med recently came out with 2 versions of Paludarium Habitat Kit

No where could I get the larger version online.

Today I was in store, getting something for the Thai Betta when I noticed that the petsmart had the smaller Paludarium in stock. Online I had seen it for $79.99. But for pick up only, no shipping.

Petsmart person had mentioned doing a price match on the Stress Coat. So I ask about the Paludarium and the lady said yes. 189.99 on sale for 149.99 and I got it for 79.99 but saved $5.00 more because I had a loyalty reward! 74.99 plus tax!!!

So I bought it! Then got a Anubias Nana and a Peacock fern Selaginella willdenowii in the plastic tube for the land part of the set up.

Started the topic for the Paludarium here, what I wrote above, but then more later!
Long month since last I checked in. Home project is moving slower than a slug.

Have been working on clearing out areas I can work on in the house, which isn't very much since it is still full of everything moved to make room for repairs. My closet is sorted and clean and organized, lol. Getting closer but a way off yet. Exasperating.

The SW nano tanks are a bit of a wreck, fish seem fine but the corals are mostly dead. A combination of not being easily to dose or check them often enough with having boxes stacked in front of them and lighting complications. Moved boxes away today and got some maintenance caught up.

The imported Thai Betta is just now looking better after starting meds, maybe on the mend.

The Paludarium will probably get set up this week fingers crossed.

The little Ghost shrimp population is still going in the wine glass.

Dumbo Betta is doing well in his Mystery snail tank, lol.
Doing the drywall ourselves after innumerable you tube videos.

Trying the ceiling tomorrow afternoon. Damaged tube in the out flow of dishwasher leaked large amounts of water into the sub floor and ceiling and floor and wall of the kitchenette hobby office room below the actual kitchen.

Had plumber come and rough in water lines for a sink and DW and refrigerator water in there, so more holes - moved the plugs from low to kitchen counter top height and therefore more holes, had to check and move plugs on all walls. Got all that but now the ceiling needs a few - xxl and xl and large sizes about 2 sheets of drywall. Need to texture still.

Then paint the room, install the ceiling fan, then cabinets and either do the plumbing or the plumber will come back.

Interesting tidbit - plumber said he can put valves in so I could set up a RO/DI in the utility closet... maybe after recovering from the extra not covered by insurance costs.

Then need counter tops yet. Then all the stuff stacked way up and blocking 1/3rd of the family room can get put away, that stuff has blocked the corner where my 80G SW stand is waiting for the tank to go and build.

Upstairs kitchen has floor and 80% cabinets installed, people miss measured by one half inch and had to reorder 3 cabinets as a result. Countertops are stone and will be able to be installed appx the week of the 21st. They had to be measured after the cabinets were installed which is good that they waited since they got the cabinets screwed up.
Still no kitchen sink, using the laundry room sink and many paper products and take out.

So getting there - sort of.
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So very tempting.

In the next week I will go back to the thinking about how it could or would make my life easier/better to be able to connect to an in and out water source, and if having a container of prepared water at tank temp and RO/DI water could help enough for the cost.

And what connections I would need the plumber to add. He said they have done quite a few for fish tank keepers. Including big systems.

I have no where else to vent my anger, I got a plant and dried leaves package shipped from Junglefowl who did an EXCELLENT job of getting me a wonderful box of goodies quickly.

Except when I told someone at home if I got any packages to let me know and I was waiting for packages a few days back - someone did not mention they had actually picked up the package and the box sat in the vehicle all day and night. A very expensive Buce Clump literally chillin all night and day. [ ***many words and thoughts not fit for public viewing ] I am SO MAD!!!

Hoping it wasn't too bad for them and they can slowly warm and hoping for like $50 worth of plants; Buce 35. and a red moss 10 and 5 Ludwigia Repens x Arcuatathey will still be good. ...steam blows from head......

junglefowl sent good stuff, Black Guava and Jackfruit dried leaves and some food samples and a couple extra leaves, including a sample of some I hadn't ordered Green Guava leaves 5 or 6 they are curled into each other and I don't want to break them by too much handling, very kind of him!

Saw online some of the discount sellers pics look like their leaves have mildew spots on the leaves of some kinds especially more so than others even. And chose these for how nice they looked in the pics, and they came in nice and whole too. Will be great for the tanks.


The other thing is
lol, what is the other thing any how...

Hahaha bumped the wrong button!

Was going to continue that I am having second thoughts of the 80G Innovative Marine tank lost behind all the boxes. What ever it will be I would like a very easy low maintenance set up and can change it out later. I am sort of over corals at the moment, after having killed a bunch in the last few months.

And it looks like the Thai Betta tail is growing in some! I dosed the last 2 day of med this morning and I am updating that thread in a min.
Some of the water change systems here run for fish rooms are just incredible. I'm back in the dark ages with a hose out to lawn and garden hose back in.
Ugh, me cave [wo]man, too. I'm thinking along the lines of faucet and drain with connection for ro/di. And container to hold the water. And prepped to temp water for fast water changes.
I was disappointed not to see the old bubble-maker pirate chest and other things that ran off air lines. I wonder if they even make those any more.
Wow, I used UG filter as a kid. I know there is a group of people which/who (must have dug them out of grandmas garage) and making a comeback. But I am happy not having them. They kinda require the complete upheaval of the whole tank for a good gravel and tank cleaning.

That is where I must have seen the pirate chest.\

You may have seen the Thai Betta in the other threads but here's a couple pics
New home


12/05/18 arrival home

Same fish, lol. He kind of has a harry potter lightning bolt on his head. (I haven't seen the movies or read the books) but have seen his scar!

What he was supposed to be/or look like.
Yes, the entire tank pull down to clean out UGF I don’t miss. Probably didn’t help I had plants growing through mine :)
Back in the dinosaur days we had few plants, though the crazy Banana Plant was always a favorite of mom. Long roots on the ole Banana plant.
So it seems that this thread is almost a month since I posted.

Quick up dates.

Doing the home improvements, and it is seemingly going to end in the near future. Maybe 2 weeks. The parts being done are looking good. The rest of the space is a large storage unit looking area, lol.

Started cleaning up some things, the tops and glass and stands and the piles of things built up in front of them.

Pond was decommissioned and at least I don't have that worry. What I do have is 2 containers one of SW live rock on the back porch with a heater in the freezing and once in awhile sub freezing temps. The RH snails in a 5G bucket didn't have heat and were doing okay until the last big sub zero and although there weren't too many left as I removed a bunch when I took down the pond, the plants are mush now. Could be something survive who knows.

PRL tank is now the Chili Boraras Brigitae tank. Holding off on more fancy shrimp until I get all projects under control - and some order and calm back. If they come from the CAS spring auction or a friend maybe something. No PRL though.

Might consider adding the Chili Rasbora to the 72G. Doing so would require the removal of the pair of Odessa Barbs as the voracious eaters might mistake the Chilis as a wee snack.

Also with the 72G I have 6 (was 7) all sizes Clown Loaches. 1 medium died last month, about the same size as the other one that died last year. I think the big one might be aggressive. Since the large pieces of DW and plants cover them from view I just don't know anything else it could be.

Unfortunately the little SW nanos have been on very low basic care with boxes piled in front of them. So bare minimum was done. 4 months since home upheaval happened.

Wishing it was not this way but the house thing and dad with Alzheimer's have caused attention not to be focused on the tanks.

I need a new SW nano and not the 80G project I envisioned at this time. Almost want to cry as it was such a long time to make the decision to do a unique big SW tank - 80G is big to me, and literally the week I was finally done moving all the stuff to make room for it, the house problem hit. The build went on hold & did not happen.

Could think of it as a good thing it didn't get built right before the messy life circumstances. It would have been worse.

So in the last couple months I know it is a bad time for a new 80G SW tank.

Maybe a 25-35G nano. Maybe smaller as I have lost a bunch of corals. Still only have 3 fish in the 2 tanks. The Yellow Clown Goby is old now. If it dies before I get new set up, I might just change down to one 20G long, peninsula or something smallish like that and just keep inverts and one small Clown Goby.

Problem with replacement fish I have found is they aren't really like the first fish and it rings a bit hollow.

Interesting thing is the wine glass tank continues to produce nearly invisible Ghost shrimp. Though not too much time is spent doing it, I spot them in shadows as I feed. Need to see food in their belly as evidence of them moving around, to know where they are.

Darnedest thing they are making babies. If I get the magnifying glass I can see the tiny ones too. A couple weeks ago the berried big momma shrimp was seen. :popcorn:
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