Breaking down a shrimp tank

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Dec 17, 2014
When I re-did the Spec 5 I thought I got rid of all the scuds but that's definitely not the case. I have a decent sized shrimp colony and while it's growing I'm pretty sure scuds are eating at least some of the shrimplets.

The tank has EC which I've never been completely happy with for a few reasons. At this point I'm considering removing all the plants & cholla, soaking. Net the shrimp and put them in a breeder net with some floating plants in the Endlers tank which is the same temp. At that point I can siphon scuds and feed them to my 16g, then just completely get rid of the EC.

Does this sound like a good plan?

Would the shrimp be ok for a couple of days in a breeder net?

Would I need to do any other cleaning in the tank to ensure that the scuds are completely gone?
Sounds like you're good to go. You might want to give the filter a really good rinse because some scuds might be residing in there. Other than that, go for it! (y)
Sounds like you're good to go. You might want to give the filter a really good rinse because some scuds might be residing in there. Other than that, go for it! (y)

That's one thing I'm concerned about. I have a sponge blocking the intake then a media bag with floss and pre-filter media. I plan to change out the floss but can I just rinse the sponge and other media?
That's one thing I'm concerned about. I have a sponge blocking the intake then a media bag with floss and pre-filter media. I plan to change out the floss but can I just rinse the sponge and other media?

I always rinse my media in tank water every water change and don't have problems so I think you should be fine. Never had a problem with rinsing media.
I did the same thing with my shrimp tank. Low light, lots of crypts, EC. You will be frightfully amazed how much debris can get trapped in EC. Considering I kept it at least 2" deep and did not vacuum in over 2 years, not too surprised. I switched out because I had no plans for heavy rooted plants, wanted a darker, more consistently black substrate, and to banish the plague of planaria hiding in the EC.
Do it!

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I did the same thing with my shrimp tank. Low light, lots of crypts, EC. You will be frightfully amazed how much debris can get trapped in EC. Considering I kept it at least 2" deep and did not vacuum in over 2 years, not too surprised. I switched out because I had no plans for heavy rooted plants, wanted a darker, more consistently black substrate, and to banish the plague of planaria hiding in the EC.
Do it!

There are clouds of debris when a rooted plant is pulled so I can't imagine a whole tank!

I'm definitely doing this. The tank currently has floating najas and 10-12 dwarf sag so I'm not concerned about heavy rooters.

Thanks so much for the info though, just feeling frustrated right now and not looking forward to netting shrimp.
Tank turned into chocolate milk. Netted most of them after the plants were removed and water settled. It took several days to catch them all. The fry were the worst. Some were small enough to pass through a standard net. Used a solo cup for some.
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There are clouds of debris when a rooted plant is pulled so I can't imagine a whole tank!

I'm definitely doing this. The tank currently has floating najas and 10-12 dwarf sag so I'm not concerned about heavy rooters.

Thanks so much for the info though, just feeling frustrated right now and not looking forward to netting shrimp.

Woooo! You're going to win!
Woooo! You're going to win!

I hope so. Apparently they are insanely hardy. I was reading threads on a few sites about the buggers surviving even bleach! Multiplying doesn't seem to be an issue for them either :rolleyes:
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