Samurai Soil by CaribSea exploration w/shrimp

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Apr 4, 2012
Northern Colorado, USA
Samurai Soil by CaribSea

Have had this jug of 9lb / 4.08kg of substrate, since the Aquatic Gardeners Association convention in Denver from late April 2017.


In discussing some things with the CaribSea vendor at AGA, and some experiences I had with various substrates, he suggested I try the new one (new at the time), and handed it to me to try out, if I would use it (for free /seems to be around a $40 value). Info regarding the SS is at the bottom of the post if interested, this is the disclaimer, all I said is I would try it out.

It has obviously taken awhile to get to use it. Made a commitment to cut back on the amount of tanks (nearly impossible, lol) to tend to, due to other pressing issues.

This substrate will be replacing the Amazonia Light which was used for about 10-11 months, though sat in a bucket wet (after testing and before getting the PRL shrimp, to get tank set up) for about 8 months.

Having had a hard time with an unfortunate bad water experience killing nearly my whole colony of PRL shrimp, saved/had 27 remain out of 177, I do not wish to use that substrate again possibly contaminated from the water problem.

More info here about the disaster, if interested page 12 post #112

Another thread re: substrate


Today starting out with this new substrate in a container and will measure the ammonia over the next days/weeks as necessary, to see if I can move my shrimp into a new tank. It is long overdue.

Will have a bucket/container with almost all of it in there and will do a pwc on the bucket if ammonia is detected.

Also will have a container with substrate and do NO pwc for awhile just to see how high the ammonia will go, if there is any.

This is a shrimp and planted tank substrate. The substrate is imbued with CaribSea "Flora-Spore" which active ingredient is the wildly popular, naturally occurring fungi Mycorrhiza. It causes roots to go crazy branching out in the media and getting really strong plant growth. More detail below.

Texture and heft

These are said to be 3 and 4mm size per the company, looks like a tiny smaller size too maybe 2mm.

VERY hard like tiny stones. In the dry form, or wet for that matter, cannot smash with my thumb. Did manage to smash one with a surgical forceps. It was a sandy powder.


Heavy for the size like little BB's.

Heavy in water, not floaty like my unknown brand shrimp substrate with similar fired balls.

Overall Impression of material
It comes with a small packet of AquaBiotic Botanical
"All natural botanical extracts and beneficial bacteria designed to keep freshwater aquariums clean and clear" laying right on the top /easy to grab out.

Strong and seems like a nice weight to hold plants in the substrate. The variation in sizes seems like it will help hold plants in place too, yet keep tiny spaces in between pieces for root growth.

It is NOT supposed to cause any ammonia in the beginning. It is infused with Mycorrhiza so growing plants in the substrate seems like will be easier.

I wonder if the AquaBiotic Botanical will cause any ammonia since it is supposed to help with faster cycle?

Thoughts on this experiment

With this low tech tank for the PRL, I won't have that many planted plants, maybe a few Crypts and DHG, but it will be interesting to see if there appears to be any better growth. My last substrate Amazonia Light made the plants very happy, even the mosses and Suswassertang growing on rocks, Anubias nana and others with no Ferts added and the pretty low pH, often 6 or less.

Feel free to chime in with experiences if you have ever used SS, or have ideas, thoughts or questions about it.

Other / side info:
After it was given to me I told him I would be relating my experience honestly to friends and hobbyists, as would any hobbyist - there wasn't any conversation about sharing the promotion of the stuff beforehand. Just so you know.

Since I use so many of their products, I am already a fan and advocate of the really nice selection of types of substrate, and been using their sand, the Naturals and Instant Aquarium, SW substrates, as well as lots of Eco Complete, for many years. Other substrates I use are ADA Amazonia Light, Garnet sand aka blasting sand/media not any particular brand, been cutting back on the # of aquariums I have time to keep ;)

You can go to Freshwater substrates to see info. Has minimal info there - here is the quote from their website

"Samurai Soil

The ideal substrate for shrimp and planted aquaria

This unique, uniformly graded material fits the pH and mineral requirements of the most sensitive freshwater fauna and flora, without the muddy texture and crumbling often seen with other brands.

This complete substrate eco-system is infused with mycorrhizal fungi for enhanced root development, and each package contains a dose of biologicals for a faster and more thorough cycle."

The container has a little bit more information to read.
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Can not recall which day, but I didn't get the substrate into the bucket here originally date posted. It has been in the bucket about a week, and no ammonia.

It has a tiny possibility of not being pure yellow, always have issues with API reading the tests. Took it outside and looked against white background and it is yellow not green, and definitely not .25ppm.

So far impressed.

Tested after taking water sample from the substrate area in the balls, actually caught a few the first time and had to dump them for a new water sample and it wasn't cloudy either.

Another +.

Will check in another week.
Boring report....NO ammonia at all 2 days ago, tested again to be sure and nope none, looked like a perfect yellow.

That was after stirring the substrate and getting the water sample. I put the substrate into my redo PRL shrimp tank today.

Since no responses or comments, I guess no one is using this!?

I will try and post a few pics this week. Otherwise just look up my PRL album.
Is this a new product? I’ve not heard of it. Substrates infused with live organisms (bacterial/fungal) make me nervous in regards to storage and shelf life. What if everything dies off? Probably no worse than the ammonia output of almost ADA products.
Good luck with this and hoping your coping makes a full recovery.
This was released late spring early summer 2017 (can't really recall).

I have seen a jug of it at the lfs, so far only one I have been in which I had noticed anyway.

It sells online as well.

The Mycorrhiza fungi has been around forever in the soil per reading about it. Ancient. Seems to be pretty popular now for a wide variety of plant root growth uses.

I plan to plant something in the substrate just to see how it is, if there are any notable effects.

The Amazon Sword didn't get into the substrate, will have to actually plant it and it's plantlet next water change as the Edge tank has to have water removed to get your arm into the water as displacement causes overflow and a huge mess!!! ;)
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Is this still ongoing?

I bought this on impulse about a month ago and still haven't used it because I don't know how it will affect parameters. I haven't been able to find any detailed information about it, only short amazon reviews.
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Feeling bad about this, as I have forgotten this substrate. Hence no further reporting.

Had the shrimp in the tank and over time the remaining shrimp died off. One lived at least until around a month or 2 ago. Don't think it was related to the substrate.

The tank is still up and running. But due to a few things, didn't ever plant a darn thing in there in the substrate, or test it.

Presently (this tank is getting a redo in the near future) just the stones and giant amounts of Java Fern and Moss and a few strands of some Rotala stuck in the moss near the top.

There are over a dozen Chili Rasboras/ Boraras Brigittae, in the tank and the pH stays pretty low, I will run and check it right now.......

Just checked and it is reading 6.0 pH I don't have a way right now for testing it below the API FW test kit.

I feel like I would be confident using this soil immediately.

But you could try putting it in a bucket with a heater (or not) and an air bubbler for a couple weeks and see how it does for you. That way you could be sure. It will give off what ever, so after testing it regularly you also can feel comfortable and make sure your shrimp are safe.

You can do a small water change each week and keep the water fresh. Don't forget to stir it around too.

Odd side note, today I just moved over the container (an opaque plastic tote) in my yard cleaning up a bit, containing the last experiment - the Amazonia Light and the container was just sitting out in the open all this time catching rain and snow and plant watering overspray and has so much rust stain on the sides of the container inches of it. Not related to using the new substrate but interesting imho.

Had plenty of unexpected things going on and 5 months of waiting for some home remodeling to be completed and it is going to be done soon. That threw off a great many things in regards to the fish tank world.

Please share what ever you find out!
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Fresh2o - As for the Mycorrhiza fungi, as far as I have read there aren't ANY toxicity issues and no draw backs I have seen. If any one finds this info please share.
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