First time caller, day old listener here!
My youngest is really starting to get into fish, after having g kept a betta a while we though the upcoming holiday was a great time to step it up. I loved keeping fish when I was younger but im quickly learning there was a lot about it that I didn't understand at the time so I want to make sure I'm doing it right this time around. I already have a 29 gallon cycling, with a decent amount of live plants. I'm trying to figure out a stocking setup for it. I have two little kiddos so I'd like to work in a pair of maybe pearl gouramis or cocaktoo apistos so they can each choose one. Throw a half dozen rummy nose for me because I love the way the school .. or shoal... I think school is correct for them right? And then add some corys or kuhli loaches for a clean up crew. My question being, is this to many fish? Is this setup taking full advantage of the height of the 29s or should I look at replacing the rummys with higher up gents like hatchets? Will a pair of "larger" fish as a focal point be a bad idea and should I just stick with 1?
First time caller, day old listener here!
My youngest is really starting to get into fish, after having g kept a betta a while we though the upcoming holiday was a great time to step it up. I loved keeping fish when I was younger but im quickly learning there was a lot about it that I didn't understand at the time so I want to make sure I'm doing it right this time around. I already have a 29 gallon cycling, with a decent amount of live plants. I'm trying to figure out a stocking setup for it. I have two little kiddos so I'd like to work in a pair of maybe pearl gouramis or cocaktoo apistos so they can each choose one. Throw a half dozen rummy nose for me because I love the way the school .. or shoal... I think school is correct for them right? And then add some corys or kuhli loaches for a clean up crew. My question being, is this to many fish? Is this setup taking full advantage of the height of the 29s or should I look at replacing the rummys with higher up gents like hatchets? Will a pair of "larger" fish as a focal point be a bad idea and should I just stick with 1?