Biocube 32 adventure

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jun 22, 2012
My current tank that’s been up and running for a year. First tank I’ve setup since I broke down my 40 breeder in 2015 (?). This tank has been quite the learning experience and I’m happy with how it’s progressed, despite the crashes, nutrient deficiencies, wasted corals, etc etc. This hobby is an ever changing experience with endless knowledge. Anyways, here’s a pic… fairly extensive in terms of filtration and dosing for an AOI, and I’m always looking to improve it.

It's looking great man. Wish mine was in such condition.

This tank has been a rollercoaster. Been through a lot maintaining it. For example, just pulled this vermitid snail infested trumpet that slowly withered away, at least I figured out why… :nono:

This tank has been a rollercoaster. Been through a lot maintaining it. For example, just pulled this vermitid snail infested trumpet that slowly withered away, at least I figured out why… :nono:


Nice vermetid tubes. I've lost corals to them too. It happens. Mine is a 4 year long aiptasia fight. But you're looking great. Keep it up.
Nice vermetid tubes. I've lost corals to them too. It happens. Mine is a 4 year long aiptasia fight. But you're looking great. Keep it up.

My peppermint shrimp took care of aiptasia for me in this tank. Then took care of some corals too ? I wasn’t terribly disappointed when it died, as bad as that sounds.
Well my nem split… both parts seem to be extending and healing up nicely. Clowns also enjoy both of them now…

Wasn’t terribly happy with the single AI Prime for output, so I added a second… set it up for a 7 day acclimation, and I think it will be a solid move

Beautiful. You going to keep both.

Yep. If they end up splitting again the tank will be converted to a nem only tank, and the coral will all end up in the new 75 gallon build, as long as the time frame allows…
Things are still looking great man. How much of your back wall do you think you're loosing a week at this point to coral growth?

Thanks man. Recently just very quickly (3-4 weeks) got rid of a dino issue that took out some of my acans. Things are leveling out a bit it seems.

That GSP on the back wall is taking over and staring to grow onto the plating monti. I’m predicting it will be covering the entire back wall in the next 3-4 months barring any issues.
Little progression on my BC32… added a new Reaper Torch, neon green hammer, and a couple zoa varieties. Fairly pleased with how it’s been coming together, even though I’ve battled everything under the sun with this tank- hair algae, cyano, dinos, some aiptasia, and vermitids. Somehow it’s still chuggin away…

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