Biocube 32

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jun 22, 2012
After a 5 year marine tank hiatus, I’ve decided to start up a 32 gallon Biocube... pretty excited. Here’s my equipment list and plans for everything:

Stock lighting
AI Nero 3 powerhead
Jager 150w heater (chamber 1)
InTank media basket (chamber 2)
InTank fuge with JBJ nano fuge light with ceramic bioballs and chaeto (chamber 2)
Tunze Osmolator ATO
About 20 lbs of rock and a bag of sand

Livestock TBD
Little update:

My BRS 150 gpd RODI filter made quick work of getting this tank filled up. Waiting for the dust to settle. I’m very impressed with this AI Nero 3. The settings are very easy to change, set, adjust, etc through Bluetooth in the app. Also gave the Osmolator a little test, and that’s running correct too. I ended up with some MarinePure bioballs- I superglued a bunch together and they’re in the bottom shelf of the InTank media masket. Running filterfloss on the top, and will run ChemiPure in the center. Fuge is up and running with a JBJ nano LED fuge light that I had to attach to the back of the tank with some Velcro.

I’m going to keep mainly softies and some LPS with the stock light. The schedule I’ve programmed as follows:

Blue/whites 11:00am-7:00pm

Sunrise/sunset (30 min ramp up/down) 10:30am-7:00pm

Moonlights 7:00am-12:00am

Will keep an eye on the cycle and hope to add fish as soon as that’s done it’s thing.
Little update- doing a fish in cycle with 2 clowns, and doing the Seachem Stability and Seachem Prime dosing schedule. Got through the Stability regimen and am on to Prime only. Added some live rock rubble from an established tank, and added a couple small frags of Duncan, hammer, GSP, some anthelia and zoanthid.

Going to be fully stocked once cycle is complete, and will add:

Yellow watchman and pistol shrimp
Green clown goby
Coral banded shrimp
Addition snails and hermits
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