Caleb's Tanks

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Pics of the new driftwood??

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I'm actually a bit disappointed. got an email saying I won and gave me the sellers email but they have yet to respond. So I'm really in the dark about that awesome piece of driftwood :( no money lost but I really want it.

I finally heard back from the seller who was out of town for Christmas and the driftwood is paid for and ready to ship!

In my last package I got my 20 pounds of black sand. I chose Petco brand because the previous time I used it, it needed no rinsing whatsoever... Was dust free.

Also got 20 pounds of black EcoComplete, 500mL of flourish iron, a spray bottle for my frogs(my other broke), a new 50 watt heater for the shrimp tank(other was going out), and last but not least...

Some moss balls. I put 2 in the shrimp tank and 2 in the dojo tank...

Someone left me a comment about the dojo tank and said now I have "Spaghetti and Meatballs!" :lol: :lol:

ALSO! I met @Hensleyjk today :) really awesome dude and we had a fun time in Chattanooga at the Temnessee Aquarium and around town.

Happy new year caleb, I hope to get back up to Tennessee by mid february, would like to meet up with you and jesse.

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Just let me know a few weeks ahead of time when you'll be in state buddy.

Here's a pic of Caleb's silhouette and some vals from Tennessee Aquarium. Those plants were over 4 foot tall with ease.



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Yo TMRC hit us up when you come down.

Jesse that's why you had me pose at that tank..... :lol:

Congrats, brother. Nice to see your tank getting recognition in the TOTM thread. Good luck.

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Thanks dudes :)

Some long overdue pics!

75g doin good. Still got some browning on some plants but it's receding. Hope to sneak in a water change tomorrow.

Here my tiger lotus shot a leaf all the way to the surface and it's doing well! Hoping I get more of those soon:

I am a bit dismayed that my GBR has had his tail nipped again. It has healed well and someone decided to nip it again. It's weird though because I never see anyone bother him.

Toad tank ?

Lots of action later into the night lol. They don't exactly croak, it's more of a whining almost.

10g with the help of some NEW star Repens and Jesse's Java moss is really coming together.

And what you all have been waiting for ;) the 20L build work-in-progress.

GUYS and gals I really want to know if I should do a white sand path through the tunnel/cave on the left side of the tank. I'm going to petsmart tomorrow for crickets and can get a 5 pound bag of white sand. Otherwise I have the black sand to fill in the rest of the tank.

No way could I ever have toads in my bedroom. Filters are loud enough let alone whining amphibians.

If you could create a barrier between the white and black it would look very good!

How long did it take your stitches to fall out? 2 of mine came out today and 1 is bothering the snot out of me, wish I could just pull it out...

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Aquarium Advice mobile app
No way could I ever have toads in my bedroom. Filters are loud enough let alone whining amphibians.

If you could create a barrier between the white and black it would look very good!

How long did it take your stitches to fall out? 2 of mine came out today and 1 is bothering the snot out of me, wish I could just pull it out...

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Aquarium Advice mobile app

Between crickets, toads, and water noises It's like I'm sleeping outside minus the cold :) quite soothing actually.

It was probably a good 1.5-2 weeks before all my stitches were completely gone. I was so happy to bury my face in some real food without pain man. Don't realize how much you enjoy it till you can't eat it.

Awesome looking Tiger lotus , the colors!!!
Tanks look great too, man you keep busy dude!!![emoji38]

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