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Aquarium Advice Activist
Apr 20, 2022
Near Reno, NV, USA
I just did my weekly water change and noticed this on one of my elodea... I'm trying to figure out if it's a hydra or just some really skinny roots. I'm leaning towards it might be a hydra.. If it is a hydra, I assume I should take the elodea out, but is there any way I can keep the plant? Would a bleach (Or hydrogen peroxide) dip get rid of it?
unnamed (3).jpg
I feel like it is also important to note that I have no shrimp, and while I do have female platys that occasionally give birth (one is still holding onto some sperm from the pet store), I am not purposely breeding of trying to get fry.
nevermind, you can disregard this post. I poked it and it didn't move or flinch so I think it's just some plant matter..
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